Why Saint Bernard?
Our patron saint, St. Bernard of Clairvaux is a DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH, and known as the “Last of the Fathers”. But before he was given those titles, he was a child and son to his parents, and a beloved son to God the Father. At St. Bernard Catholic School, we strive to impress upon everyone who comes through our halls that they are a S.I.T. (Saint in Training). Sainthood is not something reserved for the ultra-holy, or people a long time ago, sainthood is now, it’s waiting for all of us. Our Catholic faith allows us to live in a place of freedom so that no matter what the world tries to convey we can all be reminded that we are sons and daughters to a heavenly Father. This is nurtured in the Catholic Identity that we teach at St. Bernard, we strive to form the whole person, morally, spiritually, and academically. Help us to form Saints now and for the future.
- Father Jay
Ranked an A or B school the past 15 years by IDOE
12 Religious affiliations represented
Over 84% of our students receive financial aid
14:1 Student to teacher ratio schoolwide

Top county ISTEP/ILEARN scores past 9 of 10 years
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